The Fear of the Lord
To fear the Lord is a concept that is often known and understood, but not necessarily practiced. To fear the Lord goes beyond our knowledge of God. To fear the Lord goes beyond our understanding of Him as well. To fear the Lord is to stand in awe of his nature and character. It is to have a deep respect that surpasses the deepest parts of the ocean. To fear God is to revere God. Many, I believe, say they fear God; however that fear goes as deep as you can touch in a pool or beach front. For some it may go as far a depth beyond their touch in a body of water; however it’s bounded by our ability to still swim to safety. To fear the Lord is to be placed in the middle of the deepest part of the ocean with no safety in sight. To fear the Lord is to float is a sea of reverence that places all safety and comfort in the hands of God. I am not there yet, but I am swimming out to that place.
Too often the fear of the Lord is confused with a deep respect for his character and nature. You can know God, trust God, believe God, and everything that he does and blesses you with. You can believe all this, be a Christian, and still not be intimate enough with God to truly know what it is to fear him. Only when you are willing to fully let go and let God will you be in that place. To let go and let God does not mean you must give up all that you have like the parable of the rich young man (Matt 19:16-22). God may not ask that of you. He will ask something, but that will be between you and him. Material possessions may not be a vice or idol. It may be your friends, family, job, education, etc. To fear the Lord is to strive to be in a place of holiness before him.
In order to love God, his truth, and his ways, our hearts must be tender. A tender heart toward God is the gate way to the secrets of the kingdom of God (Mark 4:10-13). A tender heart will see behind the knowledge and belief in God’s nature and character. A tender heart will activate the spirit within you so that you may receive a greater and deeper emotional and cognitive understanding of God. If ones heart is not tender to God they may recognize, believe, and know the parts of God, but they will not fully experience his heart. They will miss out on the loving grip of God’s hand. Only in a genuine relationship with God will you know, experience, and receive the heart of God. To strive for holiness is to also learn what it is to fear the Lord. Holiness is the obedience of all revealed truth. To strive for obedience will tenderize your heart and open yourself up to the fear of the Lord. We can experience God outside of intimacy with him. However, it is only in intimacy through relationship that we will learn to swim in the deepest parts.
Something to ponder:
Soul, Mind, Emotions, Will
· Soul: God wants to captivate our soul (whole hearted devotions)
· Mind - God wants us to have Understanding (Matt 8:18-22)
· Emotion - God wants us to have Passion (Matt 8:23-27)
· Will - God wants us to have our Commitment (mark 10:17-31)
Fear of Men and Obedience to God
The fear of men is a snag (big and small). To fear man and not God leads to disobedience
· Proverbs 29:25
· John 12:37-43
Signs of fearing men (not comprehensive)
· You are more concerned with the opinion of others than of God
· You are lost in pleasing others (may lead to bondage)
· You may not ever rebuke and hold others accountable
· You deal with the symptom of sin and not the root
· You confess your sin because it is uncovered by others, rather than taking initiative and repenting and asking for accountability.
· You are driven by the fear of rejection
· You hide behind your personality (Example: you don’t speak up about what truly matters)
Signs of fearing God (not comprehensive)
· You are more impressed with God's reaction towards yourself than the reaction and thoughts of others
· You are obedient to God
· You promote holiness
· You are open (transparent)
· You follow right standards (live out scriptural truth)
· You follow through on God's commands and statutes
To fear the Lord….
1. You have a deep respect and understanding of God. In essence, you stand in AWE of Him.
2. You hate what God hates, which is sin and the effects it has on yourself and others.
3. If we do not honor and respect ( = fear of) God we will not see God for who He is.
4. It is a means to an end. In the end, our goal is to know, be known, and come as close to God as possible.
Mind, Emotions, Will
· Lustful temptation Enters our mind
· It effects our emotions
and then shapes our will (if we let it)
· To withstand temptation begins with our will. We must exercise our WILL to fight against the lies of the enemy, as well as to take our thoughts captive.
Sin vs Temptation
o Sin is a temptation taken into action
o Temptation is a thought that must be controlled (with God)
o We often ask forgiveness for our temptation, which is not the correct action (although helpful at times). We must ask God to take captive all our thoughts to prevent temptation. If we act on temptation we must than repent, and walk in forgiveness and transformation as the outcome of our sinful choice.
o When Temptation occurs, as long as we do not act on it, we must rebuke in the name of Jesus. Jesus is our power source
· Hate for the thought of sin or temptation is key
· To hate sin empowers you (the will) to fight
· The will is a muscle that needs to be exercised to fight and withstand temptation
· To not hate sin leaves you more vulnerable
o Will, mind, and emotions – This is the order in which we should function
Too often we lead with our emotions, which effects our mind, which weakness the will
o Spiritual harassment - The consistent flooding of temptation into your thoughts.
It needs to be met with a consistent rebuking of that temptation, and replaced with spiritual truths.
Aggressive action is a must. Passivity in controlling our thoughts leaves us open and vulnerable
To fear the Lord is a concept that is often known and understood, but not necessarily practiced. To fear the Lord goes beyond our knowledge of God. To fear the Lord goes beyond our understanding of Him as well. To fear the Lord is to stand in awe of his nature and character. It is to have a deep respect that surpasses the deepest parts of the ocean. To fear God is to revere God. Many, I believe, say they fear God; however that fear goes as deep as you can touch in a pool or beach front. For some it may go as far a depth beyond their touch in a body of water; however it’s bounded by our ability to still swim to safety. To fear the Lord is to be placed in the middle of the deepest part of the ocean with no safety in sight. To fear the Lord is to float is a sea of reverence that places all safety and comfort in the hands of God. I am not there yet, but I am swimming out to that place.
Too often the fear of the Lord is confused with a deep respect for his character and nature. You can know God, trust God, believe God, and everything that he does and blesses you with. You can believe all this, be a Christian, and still not be intimate enough with God to truly know what it is to fear him. Only when you are willing to fully let go and let God will you be in that place. To let go and let God does not mean you must give up all that you have like the parable of the rich young man (Matt 19:16-22). God may not ask that of you. He will ask something, but that will be between you and him. Material possessions may not be a vice or idol. It may be your friends, family, job, education, etc. To fear the Lord is to strive to be in a place of holiness before him.
In order to love God, his truth, and his ways, our hearts must be tender. A tender heart toward God is the gate way to the secrets of the kingdom of God (Mark 4:10-13). A tender heart will see behind the knowledge and belief in God’s nature and character. A tender heart will activate the spirit within you so that you may receive a greater and deeper emotional and cognitive understanding of God. If ones heart is not tender to God they may recognize, believe, and know the parts of God, but they will not fully experience his heart. They will miss out on the loving grip of God’s hand. Only in a genuine relationship with God will you know, experience, and receive the heart of God. To strive for holiness is to also learn what it is to fear the Lord. Holiness is the obedience of all revealed truth. To strive for obedience will tenderize your heart and open yourself up to the fear of the Lord. We can experience God outside of intimacy with him. However, it is only in intimacy through relationship that we will learn to swim in the deepest parts.
Something to ponder:
Soul, Mind, Emotions, Will
· Soul: God wants to captivate our soul (whole hearted devotions)
· Mind - God wants us to have Understanding (Matt 8:18-22)
· Emotion - God wants us to have Passion (Matt 8:23-27)
· Will - God wants us to have our Commitment (mark 10:17-31)
Fear of Men and Obedience to God
The fear of men is a snag (big and small). To fear man and not God leads to disobedience
· Proverbs 29:25
· John 12:37-43
Signs of fearing men (not comprehensive)
· You are more concerned with the opinion of others than of God
· You are lost in pleasing others (may lead to bondage)
· You may not ever rebuke and hold others accountable
· You deal with the symptom of sin and not the root
· You confess your sin because it is uncovered by others, rather than taking initiative and repenting and asking for accountability.
· You are driven by the fear of rejection
· You hide behind your personality (Example: you don’t speak up about what truly matters)
Signs of fearing God (not comprehensive)
· You are more impressed with God's reaction towards yourself than the reaction and thoughts of others
· You are obedient to God
· You promote holiness
· You are open (transparent)
· You follow right standards (live out scriptural truth)
· You follow through on God's commands and statutes
To fear the Lord….
1. You have a deep respect and understanding of God. In essence, you stand in AWE of Him.
2. You hate what God hates, which is sin and the effects it has on yourself and others.
3. If we do not honor and respect ( = fear of) God we will not see God for who He is.
4. It is a means to an end. In the end, our goal is to know, be known, and come as close to God as possible.
Mind, Emotions, Will
· Lustful temptation Enters our mind
· It effects our emotions
and then shapes our will (if we let it)
· To withstand temptation begins with our will. We must exercise our WILL to fight against the lies of the enemy, as well as to take our thoughts captive.
Sin vs Temptation
o Sin is a temptation taken into action
o Temptation is a thought that must be controlled (with God)
o We often ask forgiveness for our temptation, which is not the correct action (although helpful at times). We must ask God to take captive all our thoughts to prevent temptation. If we act on temptation we must than repent, and walk in forgiveness and transformation as the outcome of our sinful choice.
o When Temptation occurs, as long as we do not act on it, we must rebuke in the name of Jesus. Jesus is our power source
· Hate for the thought of sin or temptation is key
· To hate sin empowers you (the will) to fight
· The will is a muscle that needs to be exercised to fight and withstand temptation
· To not hate sin leaves you more vulnerable
o Will, mind, and emotions – This is the order in which we should function
Too often we lead with our emotions, which effects our mind, which weakness the will
o Spiritual harassment - The consistent flooding of temptation into your thoughts.
It needs to be met with a consistent rebuking of that temptation, and replaced with spiritual truths.
Aggressive action is a must. Passivity in controlling our thoughts leaves us open and vulnerable