I am amazed at who crosses your path at times. In a post called "It's not simply Networking...but God-Working" I touched on the idea of that it's not about who you know, but who knows God and who God knows.With speaking with this pastor as I was reminded of how amazing and scary it is to live on the edge of faith. As a Christian, what an incredible place to be. You have a front row seat to witness God in action big or small. To experience God first hand is awesome. However, to be on the edge of faith also carries a great weight to it. This weight is something that grows out of our sin. It grows heavier the less we trust God. I know God's hand is with us as we move forward and prepare the mission field. Despite what I know in my spirit, I still question. Regardless of my "questioning" God will move when He is ready, and when He moves it will be seen, heard, and understood.
The past two weeks have been a challenge as we prepared to rally prayer, encouragement, and financial support for this God story. The long awaited time had come. We were able to get our support letters out. What a great day! It wasn't a great day because the letters were finally out. It was a great day for two reasons. 1. Together our family was able to grow in faith as we talked through what we were doing, as well as spending time praying over the letters that were sent. In the end, we want it to be clear that this is God's story being unraveled through one step of obedience in hope to foster, inspire, challenge, and empower others to take their own steps of obedience all for the purpose of God's glory. 2. These letters, in addition to the conversations and gatherings we have had, represent the movement of God in the lives of our friends and family.
The edge of faith boarders on the logical and illogical. The sane and the crazy. It boarders on the possible and impossible. How these are displayed and plays out in your own lives will be different than how it comes to surface in another. For us, at this moment, the edge of faith is putting our complete trust in God (it is not as much about what is in the letters, but rather what they represent - Obedience and trust). It is being confident that our efforts to understand God's will, as well as being obedient to it is clear and complete.
What does the edge of faith look like for you? Is God at work in? What do you need to be obedient to?