We were blessed by your prayers. Over all we spent about 23 1/2 hours in the air with around 12 hours of lay over time. The kids were excellent. There were definitely moments in which no parenting could have with stood unexpected moments of child furry, however they did not last long. We really can not complain about how the kids traveled. The last flight was a challenge, but manageable. Griffin and Tessa were done with the traveling. We were blessed to sit next a wonderful New Zealand women who was very helpful and gracious. At one point she was either holding Tessa or helping lil Ture eat his dinner during the flight. Not only did God provide calm hearts for our babies as they traveled, but energy to sustain close to 36 hours straight travel.
We were blessed time and time again as people working for the airlines, as well as security, allowed us special privileges to help us move through security and customs quickly, in addition to boarding the plane. We were also blessed with all of our luggage arriving with us. That fact alone was a miracle.
The second stint of our journey took us to Auckland, New Zealand. The kids slept most of the 13 hours. I am not sure we would still have 5 kids if they hadn't. Carolyn, Kathy, and I were pretty tired by than. We decide to get out of the airport for awhile. We had about an 8-9 hour lay over. We rented a motel room to clean up a bit, get some food, and allow the kids to run. We were not able to see much, but it was nice to see a small glimpse of what appeared to be a beautiful place. The people were nice, especially those in security and customs at the airport (what a shocker from what I am use to).
Upon landing we got to see a very excited and friendly face....Heather. It was great to see her. It has been about a year since the last time. Once we landed we jumped into the YWAM bus and took off to our homestead. It is a nice place. It is fascinating the difference in architecture for a place very similar to the U.S. in many ways. We will provided picture soon. The most interesting fact is that we have a shower room, bathroom, and outhouse. It is very spacious, which is nice for our family. Our house mate is a single mom with two kids. Mary-ann is wonderful and a great mother. Her two girls Elisha and Jael our great. It seems as if God has truly put us together. We hit it off well from the beginning. There are always hick-ups, but I think this is going to be a great relationship.
We left on Thursday. Got to Australia on Saturday. With the time change we skipped Friday. Sunday we spent acclimating ourselves, learning about the base, and going into the city for supplies. We have about a 10-15 minute walk to the base, which has been great for all of us. On the flip side, they serve all types of bread products which makes life a bit difficult for a family who loves gluten. Many of us were joking how YWAM Perth must have a goal to not only grow us spiritually, but also physically (in weight). Thank goodness for the 15 minute walk one way. That gives us hope!
Since we arrived, sleep has been a word not understood by our kids. God has provided extra doses of energy for Carolyn, Kathy, and I. The first night the kids got up at 2:30 am AU time. the second night 3:30-4 am. The third night 4-4:30 am. We are slowly working our away in the right direction to adjust for the time. They have day light saving time here I believe because instead of 14 hours ahead it is now only 13. Overall, the kids have done well given the fact that night time for us is day time for you.
Moving forward.....Monday we spent time on base for worship and a small info meeting. On Tuesday we had registration day, as well as getting a tour of the base. This morning, your tomorrow (crazy!), we begin our first week of classes. The topic is on "Hearing the Voice of the Lord."
In a nut shell, that has been the last 7 days for us. Can't believe it has been 7 days already.
Thank you all for your support and prayers. Your prayers have gotten us this far and will continue to get us through this step of obedience. I hope your prayers have also led you to hear God's voice, and begin taking steps of obedience and faith for yourself.
Please see "AS WE GO" page to learn about our first day of class.